Make sure to use HT for data frames only in case our Tx rate is fixed.
Non-data frames are not supposed to use HT.

This change applies if the Tx rate has been fixed for testing purposes
with a command such as 'ifconfig iwm0 media HT-MCS13 mode 11n'.

I've only found this by code inspection, not because there was some
problem at run-time. But better play it safe.

diff 3f75e2890abe65d5050904183ad6752454ca8f3b 
blob - 74545e96d1f0c4c07c3d3cb6fe58c0277628fbeb
blob + 64163c3776e9d3483e1e96c09efd40535626c10f
--- sys/dev/pci/if_iwm.c
+++ sys/dev/pci/if_iwm.c
@@ -6354,6 +6354,7 @@ iwm_tx_fill_cmd(struct iwm_softc *sc, struct iwm_node 
        if (IWM_RIDX_IS_CCK(ridx))
                rate_flags |= IWM_RATE_MCS_CCK_MSK;
        if ((ni->ni_flags & IEEE80211_NODE_HT) &&
+           type == IEEE80211_FC0_TYPE_DATA &&
            rinfo->ht_plcp != IWM_RATE_HT_SISO_MCS_INV_PLCP) {
                rate_flags |= IWM_RATE_MCS_HT_MSK; 
                if (ieee80211_node_supports_ht_sgi20(ni))

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