Dear reader,

/etc/netstart pushed option from 'dhcp #options#' beside ifconfig and before up.
It's easy to have this behavior like this


OTA dhclient could be feed with argument like -l or -L , but those are
not easily configured.
it seams like a minor typo was introduce, or there is another/better
way that eluded me.

current# diff -bu /etc/netstart.base /etc/netstart
--- /etc/netstart.base  Wed Jul  3 22:23:35 2019
+++ /etc/netstart       Wed Jul  3 22:24:22 2019
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
        dhcp)   _c[0]=
-               _cmds[${#_cmds[*]}]="ifconfig $_if ${_c[@]} up;dhclient $_if"
+               _cmds[${#_cmds[*]}]="ifconfig $_if up;dhclient $_if ${_c[@]}"
        '!'*)   _cmd=$(print -- "${_c[@]}" | sed 's/\$if/'$_if'/g')
current# cat /etc/hostname.vether0
dhcp -l /tmp/lol
current# sh /etc/netstart -n vether0
ifconfig vether0 up;dhclient vether0  -l /tmp/lol

Can we fix this ?
Moreover is it still require to up the interface before ?

( the diff above contains space, tr them or -b )

Thank you for reading all that.

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do

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