
The following diff removes a simple i=0 dead assignment. There is no need to set
it before entering the for() loop which will set it anyway.

Comments or OK ?
Sebastien Marie

diff ea5e035f4d57ede9f18c82c5c9decc5f46c1925a /home/semarie/repos/openbsd/src
blob - 4e4978e48478815eb789b777ff4d8caf4e455b7b
file + usr.sbin/smtpd/smtp_session.c
--- usr.sbin/smtpd/smtp_session.c
+++ usr.sbin/smtpd/smtp_session.c
@@ -295,13 +295,12 @@ header_append_domain_buffer(char *buffer, char *domain
        size_t  i;
        int     escape, quote, comment, bracket;
        int     has_domain, has_bracket, has_group;
        int     pos_bracket, pos_component, pos_insert;
        char    copy[APPEND_DOMAIN_BUFFER_SIZE];
-       i = 0;
        escape = quote = comment = bracket = 0;
        has_domain = has_bracket = has_group = 0;
        pos_bracket = pos_insert = pos_component = 0;
        for (i = 0; buffer[i]; ++i) {
                if (buffer[i] == '(' && !escape && !quote)

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