On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 06:45:01PM -0500, Julio Merino wrote:
  | On 11/17/11 1:07 PM, David Young wrote:
  | > I do think that a binary plist format would be a handy option, however,
  | > a binary plist is not as useful by itself as an XML plist, because there
  | > less that you can do to it without specialized tools.
  | This may be completely out of topic, but I just though of mentioning
  | Google's "Protocol Buffers".  These seem to serve a similar purpose to
  | proplib.  Protocol Buffers, or protobufs for short, are, in my opinion,
  | much simpler to represent in their textual form and they can be
  | converted to a very compact binary form for serialization.
  | For more details:
  |     http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/
  | They don't have a C interface (only C++), but I don't think it'd be that
  | hard to add one :-P

I used these recently in a work project, and will again in the future.
The language for declaring the spec is pretty usuable, the compiler
(from spec -> C++ bindings) is quick, and the transcoders seemed
stable enough.

My main complaint with them is the lack of inbuilt framing for
transmission over byte-oriented transports; you have to roll
your own but that's trivial.


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