Has anyone contemplated, at the very least, a USBIP[1] client for
NetBSD??  From looking at the tree, it would seem that the
Not-Well-Documented vhci driver that exists in 10.x and -current could
be used towards that end.  Simular concepts are used in other OSs.  I
could not find a clean (i.e. license compatible) USBIP library anywhere,
but there are a number of examples all over the place.

[1] - USBIP appears to be, more or less, Linux URB (the method that
Linux uses to describe a USB transfer, etc..) structs over IP.  There
are implementations of this for MS-WINDOWs, among others, as well as
some of the more powerful small boards like the ESP series.  It is a
method of presenting a USB device to a system that does not have
physical access to USB ports, and/or would like to use a USB device that
is "over there".  Many of the implementations seem to make use of a vhci
driver, which is a virtual USB host controller for the client side of

Brad Spencer - b...@anduin.eldar.org - KC8VKS - http://anduin.eldar.org

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