Ada yang berminat untuk mengirim dan mempresentasikan tulisannya?
Partisipasinya ditunggu =).

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--- Forwarded Message---

Dear Mr./Ms.,
Bina Nusantara International University is proudly present the
"Multimedia and Computer Graphics Summit 2006". In accordance to the
event, we as the committee would like to invite you to participate in
the Conference on Multimedia and Computer Graphics (MMCG 2006) as a
part of the Summit.

The conference consists of plenary and parallel sessions. In the
plenary session, invited speakers from the industries and experts in
the fields will share their experience, talk about the latest trend
and opportunities in the industry, and best practices.

We would like to invite you to contribute original, unpublished
results in the multimedia, computer graphics, and games areas.

The Conference on Multimedia and Computer Graphics 2006 will be held on:
Day        : Monday
Date        : 11 December 2006
Time        : 9 AM – 5 PM
Place        : Bina Nusantara International University, The Joseph
Wibowo Center

Thank you very much for your kind attention and help.

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