[teknologia] Adsense Indonesia

2006-04-10 Terurut Topik Fatih
ini bukan pengumuman pembukaan google adsense Indonesia, saya cuma mau nanya feasibilitas dan kemungkinan membuka ads online ala adsense (PPC -pay per-click)khusus indonesia, kira2 gimana? apa nasibnya sesuram e-commerce? adakah kemungkinan juragan2 kita mau pasang iklan di situ?

atau apa sudah ada yg coba2 buat? mohon petromaksnya.-- Fatihhttp://afsyuhud.blogspot.com 

[teknologia] San Jose Mercury News: Silicon Valley hiring now like in 1999

2006-04-10 Terurut Topik m.c. ptrwn

Hari ini ada artikel San Jose Mercury News tentang massive hiring yang
terjadi belakangan ini dan Boom times untuk Experienced/Expert
Engineers seperti pada 1999.

Sekalian congrats untuk beberapa kawan yg secure hitech jobs di US
tahun ini.Buat hitech expert yang belum mencoba: ini adalah tahun
terbaik sejak dotcom bust.


Valley's new job market: (specific) help wanted

Yahoo's Sunnyvale campus is feeling so 1999 these days. The company
hired more than 3,000 workers last year -- about the same number it had
in all just three years ago. Perks are in vogue again, with the
addition of free coffee bars, haircuts and car washing. Employees must
park so far away that the company started a valet parking service.

And Yahoo's not the only Silicon Valley company hanging out the ``Help
Wanted'' sign and complaining about a talent shortage.

``We have about 500 openings,'' said Heidi Burgett, a Yahoo
spokeswoman. ``We're definitely still hiring. Especially algorithmic
search. If you know anyone looking, tell them we're hiring.''

The hiring is being fueled by the second straight year of record
revenue and profits at Silicon Valley companies. The latest Silicon
Valley 150 annual report reveals that profits grew 18 percent to $37.1
billion in 2005 and revenue rose 10.8 percent to $372.6 billion among
the valley's 150 largest public companies.

So, is it boom time again or is it still the bust?

The answer is a little of both. When it comes to high-tech jobs,
Silicon Valley has developed a split personality. For the minority of
people with the right skills and right experience, life is good again
as they field multiple offers that result in escalating salaries.

[teknologia] Re: Adsense Indonesia

2006-04-10 Terurut Topik Rizky

emangnya AdSense kenapah? program AdWords yg jadi sumber iklannya
AdSense kan juga terbuka buat orang indo. trus geo targeted adsnya
kyknya cukup buat ngejamin hanya iklan-iklan lokal yg muncul (andai ada
cukup banyak pengiklan dari indonesia yah). AdBrite juga hampir sama...

ya sekali lagi tipikal indonesia, kesadarannya aja yg kurang. makanya
promosiin gih...jadi sales AdWords sanah. huhuhu