Semoga ulasan analyst berikut tidak mengurangi rasa kagum  kepada

Baru saja kita 'memuji' google dan 'kurang mengapresiasi' intelectual

Although Google's service allows content owners more pricing freedom,
it isn't necessarily as liberating for users.

While all of videos downloaded through Apple can be transferred onto a
portable player - albeit only its own iPod - for on-the-go viewing,
that won't be true at Google's service.

Google has developed its own copy protection technology that so far
prevents content owners from moving their video downloads to a mobile
playing device. In instances where the content provider adopts Google's
copy protection scheme, watching a video sold through Google will
require users to be online so they can log on and view it via the
company's video player. CBS and the NBA are among the content owners
adopting Google's copy protections.

However, if a content owner posts unrestricted video on Google, the
user could move the video onto pretty much any portable device. Charlie
Rose is among those offering unprotected video.

In another distinction from iTunes, Google Video so far works only on
Microsoft Corp.'s Windows-based PCs and not yet on Apple's Macintosh

By relying on its own proprietary copy-protection technology, Google
threatens to compound the frustration that some consumers feel when
they buy songs from one online source like the iTunes store, only to
discover the music can't be played on an incompatible gadget such as
Creative Technologies' Zen player.

Forrester Research analyst Josh Bernoff offered a possible explanation
for Google's decision: "It's arrogance."

Page told a group of reporters after his speech that Google felt other
copy protection schemes would not have worked as well as one made

A majority of new media players and media centers, other than Apple's
and Sony's devices, are built to work with Microsoft's copy-protection
technology - a setup that most entertainment companies have embraced.

"So now Google is telling Toshiba and others, 'No, you have to
implement ours.' It's just crazy," Bernoff said.

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