September 22, 2005

Critics Ask Why Money was Spent on Surveillance Instead of Preparedness

As Hurricane Rita barrels down on Texas, motorists attempting to flee in
their vehicles should ask why the government has spent millions of dollars
on highway surveillance rather than investing in sound evacuation planning,
says Liz McIntyre, co-author of Spychips: How Major Corporations and
Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID (Nelson Current; October
4, 2005).

Hundreds of thousands of motorists, including McIntyre's own husband, are
caught in an unprecedented 16-hour traffic jam that gets worse by the minute
as cars run out of gas and entire families are overcome by the 100-degree

"My husband is worried he will be stranded and face the hurricane right
there on the pavement," says McIntyre, who adds that he is debating whether
to turn around and find shelter or wait helplessly as transportation
authorities try to figure out what to do.

"This is what happens when you trade common sense for flashy and expensive
technology," McIntyre points out. "Few motorists are aware that their tax
dollars are being spent on Big Brother boondoggles rather than being
invested in practical measures to protect the public."

In her upcoming book, McIntyre and co-author Katherine Albrecht detail
Houston's extraordinary investment in surveillance technologies like RFID
readers every few miles designed to invisibly scan the toll transponders in
passing vehicles, miles from the toll booth.

Other costly schemes include hundreds of robotic cameras that can observe
passing cars and zoom in on individual motorists' faces, and an Orwellian
central command center to watch and record it all.

"I'm sure they're getting an eyeful today," says McIntyre.

"There was more than enough brainpower and money in Houston to come up with
an evacuation plan," she adds. "The problem is those resources were
misdirected. Instead of developing contingency plans for evacuating
America's fourth-largest city, they were schmoozing with the RFID industry
and developing Big Brother ways to watch us all. When this is over, I'm sure
Houston residents will have a lot of questions for roadway authorities about
how they've been spending their time." 


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