The Future of PON in China
Posted in Fiber Networks

By Andrew Schmitt

Fiber to the Home (FTTH) and Passive Optical Networks (PON) in  
particular have received an inordinate amount of attention from the  
financial community in the last year. Attention has been focused at  
every level of the value chain, from component companies that make  
chips and optics to Telecom Equipment and Set-Top box makers to  
Carriers who are deploying services like IPTV over a new fiber  

There is a great deal of information available on FTTH deployments  
here in the USA, and the story in Japan is well documented. I’ve  
written extensively on GE-PON deployments in Japan by NTT as well as  
FiOS deployments in the USA by Verizon and covered the chipsets used  
in each.

One area of the world that everyone agrees is an enormous opportunity  
is China. It has also been a source of my personal frustration as  
very little information exists on the future of FTTH in China. A  
smattering of press releases by companies seeking to position  
themselves as a ‘leader’ in China has not helped clarify the  
situation. In summary, very little deployment of FTTH has taken place  
in China- therefore very little history exists upon which to  
determine the future trajectory of events.

Why China Is Important

Nyquist Capital invests in public companies in the communications  
vertical, starting with the component suppliers (chips and optics)  
and working upwards through the distributors, equipment makers,  
carriers, and service providers. Fundamental change in one area  
quickly ripples into the others and we seek to capitalize on those  
disruptions by seeing what is unseen and exploiting the resulting  
inefficiencies. There is a great deal yet unseen in the FTTH market  
which is why it is of interest to us.

While NTT and Verizon are playing central roles shaping this future,  
China will play the greatest role in creating future disruptions in  
the component and equipment areas. This is simply because of the  
staggering demographics involved with the ongoing industrial  
transformation of China. There are currently 200 million broadband  
subscribers worldwide, 37 million of which are in China. The United  
States has roughly 50 million subscribers – or 17 subscribers for  
every 100 people. China has 3 subscribers for every 100 people, and  
they have four times as many people than the US.

The massive migration of labor to urban areas is creating the biggest  
greenfield telecom installation opportunity in history. Three hundred  
million Chinese will migrate to the cities in the next 15 years –  
equivalent of creating a Los Angeles/Orange County/San Diego urban  
each year until 2021.

Korea is the best historical precedent for such an event (though much  
smaller in scale) as 25% of the population migrated to cities in the  
last 20 years. The flurry of urban construction allowed buildings to  
be retrofitted with the latest infrastructure, DSL and ATM at the  
time, with the result being that Korea now possesses the most  
advanced residential broadband network in the world. China will be no  
different, except larger in scale and more weighted towards optical  

The size of the Chinese market, the relative low cost of labor (labor  
costs dominate FTTH installs), the recent reduction in FTTH equipment  
costs, and the Chinese propensity and enthusiasm for marquee  
infrastructure projects leads us to believe that China will be the  
prime mover behind the FTTH marketplace going forward. We’ve written  
in the past that China will play a very disruptive role in the supply  
of optical transport equipment in the Metro and long haul areas. The  
ascendancy of FTTH in China will impact optical access identically -  
much in the way recent widespread deployment of DSL within China has  
vaulted Huawei to be the #2 supplier of DSL equipment globally.

This is the first of a three part series investigating FTTH in China.  
Part Two focuses on the ongoing technology selection and Part Three  
focuses on the companies who are playing (or not playing) a role in  
shaping the future of FTTH in China.

Andrew Schmitt is the General Partner of Nyquist Capital, an  
investment management firm specializing in public companies in the  
communications vertical, from component suppliers (chips and optics)  
to service providers.


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