
These stack dumps are extremely helpful in isolating and debugging a crash, 
however, we can only do so with the newer versions of TeraScript. If you are 
running a version of 6, please submit a support ticket. Ideally you would 
update to TeraScript 6.1.3 and then provide a crash report from that version. 
The reason being that we updated the compiler and crash reporting code in 6.1 
and therefore it is much more stable and makes a better report when there is a 

Just reviewing this particular error, it looks like it’s related to the 
destruction of a COM – or possibly a JavaBean – object. It looks like perhaps 
you are accessing a system object and then attempting to destroy it, which 
would not be allowed by the OS. Perhaps that might help you debug the issue 
manually. Also try setting logginglevel up to 3 and review the logs just before 
the crash. You should be able to pinpoint the TAF and possibly the action when 
the crash occurs.


From: Andre Rekhtine []
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 4:33 PM
Subject: TeraScript-Talk: Debugging O/S exceptions

                Hello, Robert and everyone.

                Time to time our Application servers do crash (the service 
stops), producing events similar to this one in the witangoevents.log:

[ 4228] 2012-03-08 14:37:45 RUNTIME    ERROR    Unexpected exception has been 
caught trying to delete a meta object.

[ 4228] 2012-03-08 14:37:45 RUNTIME    FATAL    An unrecoverable OS exception 
has been caught in the Main Application Thread

[ 4228] 2012-03-08 14:37:45 RUNTIME    FATAL    System Exception at 04322e56; 

[ 4228] 2012-03-08 14:37:45 RUNTIME    FATAL    System Exception at 04322e56; 
Thread ID=5416; Stack: 00423f02 00000001 00eefe84 039c3a68 039c3a68 00eefe88 
0044f0db 039c3a68 039ad9f8 00eefe98 0044f45e 00000000 039ad9f8 00eefea4 
0044f64a 039ad9f8 00eefef0 00548131 00c3b040 00c3a880 00000001 00440190 
00c3b040 00c3a880 00000001 00c3aba0 041cfb20 00c3b850 04cf5f40 041cfb20 
039ad9f8 00eefebc 00eeff6c 0055da96 ffffffff 00eefefc 0044004d 00c3aba0 
00eeff38 00427715 00000324 00eefeec 0040a941 00c3c098 00c3a880 77ba20e8 
ffffffff 77bbcefb 00eeff6c 0055ce2c ffffffff 00c3c098 00c3c098 00eeff78 
004048c3 00000000 00c3a880 00c3c4f8 00427a92 00000000 00c3a880 00c3c4f8 
77bba9f9 00000001 00c3a880 00eeff50 00eeffa8 0055c40c ffffffff 00eeffb8 
0052cad1 00000000 00c3c590 77bcb530 00c3a880 00000000 00000000 00c3c4f8 
c0000096 00eeff90 00eefa98 00eeffdc 77bc6c74 77ba4148 00000000 00eeffec 
77e6482f 00c3c4f8 00000000 00000000 00c3c4f8 00000000 00eeffc4 8085065d 
ffffffff 77e61a60 77e64838 00000000 00000000 00000000 77bcb4bc 00c3c4f8 
00000000 000000c8 0000012a eeffeeff 00011002 00010000 0000fe00 00100000 
00002000 00000200 00002000 00000228 7ffdefff 0608000c 00000000 00000000 
00000000 00000000 00ef0598 00000017 fffffff0 00ef0050 00ef0050 00ef0640 
00000000 00000000

We run different applications on different machines, each one has registered 
such issues at least once before. Sometimes we could go by without a single 
crash for months. And sometimes the server crashes twice or three times per day.

So, It looks like a certain operator within the TAF file has caused this App 
Server crash.

Would there be any recommendations as to how to debug such events, perhaps 
there’s a way to read a crash dump?


Andre Rekhtine

IT Director, M.Sc., MCSE

Moveable Online Inc.

+1 (416) 532-5690


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