On Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 5:21:17 PM UTC-4, fuzzy7k wrote:
> I have scanned some index pages that I would like to ocr for rapid 
> searching. I am using tesseract from the command line. The problem is that 
> tesseract ignores the whitespace between columns and merges everything 
> together, essentially fragmenting the contents. Using some debug output I 
> see that no "columns" are detected. ...
> I have attached the image merely as an abstract representation of the text 
> layout to show the types of columns I am dealing with. Ideally, it would 
> also be nice to know if tab stops can be trained and used to oneline each 
> individual topic, which I could do postprocess if I could get tabstops 
> printed.

Tesseract is probably getting confused by the indents for the entries. It 
should be pretty easy to identify the columns using image processing (.e.g. 
create a histogram of black pixel counts for each vertical pixel column). 
Why not just do the page segmentation yourself and pass the three columns 
to Tesseract separately.


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