2), 3):

I'm wondering about using tesseract 4.0 for multiple language, too.

After searching & testing a while, I found that it seems not working the 
old method for tesseract 3. (e.g. running with '-l lang1+lang2' option)
Is there any other method that I have to try?

Or I have to train tesseract with two languages at the same time? 

2018년 3월 10일 토요일 오후 4시 18분 48초 UTC+9, 이경준 님의 말:
> Hi i'm sorry to question oftenly. and lots of questions.
> But, I must use tesseract 4.0 for my business .
> plz understand my situations. I have lots of family to raise.
> ealier you gave me *a bash sciprt *. In there *tesstrain.sh* (course) . 
> it give me an error like 
> Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to your 
> "tessdata" directory.
> *Failed loading language 'chi_tra'*
> Error opening data file 
> /usr/share/tesseract-ocr/4.00/tessdata/chi_tra.traineddata
> *Before, you gave me a conference . it froms the lang directory / 
> kor.config.*
> *in there #Fixes https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/issues/1009 
> <https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/issues/1009>preserve_interword_spaces
> 1tessedit_load_sublangs chi_tra# New Segmentation search params*
> So I guess "tessedit_load_sublangs chi_tra" cause to error for executing 
> "tesstrain.sh"
> So I conclude(for solution) *1) Delete that sentence -> Is it right ? or 
> what is the side-effect*
>    I want to have 1 traineddata which is fine tuned and for 2 langugages 
> (korean & English)
>   so is it possible to add the sentece like  *1-1)*
> *"tessedit_load_sublangs eng"-> Is it right? or possible???*
> *In conclusion *
> *1)*
> *I do not want to see like error " Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX 
> environment variable is set to your "tessdata" directory.Failed loading 
> language 'chi_tra'Error opening data file 
> /usr/share/tesseract-ocr/4.00/tessdata/chi_tra.traineddata " *
> *2) If I want to use tessereract(4.0) for 2 languages(e.g. Korean, 
> English) by 1(one) traineddata(which is fine tuned) *
> Is it possible and How to make 1 finedtuned traineddata for 2 
> languages(e.g Korean, English) 
> 3) tesseract is possible to use like 
> $ tesseract (picture.png) -l kor+eng
> is it possible ????? 
> 4) What is kor.vert traineddata ? (tessdata-best) 
> What is different from kor.traineddata ??? 
> 5) Is it possible to fine tune by existing images??? How is it possible to 
> use script you gave me 

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