
I am pleased to announce a new teTeX pretest release. Download from
or use any other CTAN mirror. It might take a few hours until dante and
the other CTAN hosts and mirros pick up the file from my server.

This release is almost the same as TeX Live 7 with the following exceptions:
  - teTeX has an additional fix for dvips
  - teTeX's pdftex uses a newer version of libxpdf
  - we use the most stable omega release 1.15 whereas TeX
    Live has a later version (which is known to be unstable)

I think that this beta release will be very stable and that a new stable
release (teTeX-2.0) will happen in the "not so far future". A special
feature is the new updmap which is now installed with the other binaries.
There is no manpage, so
  updmap --help
and read the comments in the config file (updmap --edit).

The texmf tree seems to be free of any packages with license problems now!

Changes since last release (src tarball):
  completely rewritten updmap tool!
  dvips with -G1 fix (5.90a)
  stable omega 1.15
  mktexpk always tries metafont before anything else
  xpdf lib 1.01
  libpng 1.2.2
  shell scripts fixed for zsh on MacOS/X
  no longer strip the prefix argument when configuring in libs

I have only compiled and run it on Linux (SuSE 7.2) so far. Report any
bugs that you find to

Changes in texmf / texmfsrc tarball:
  packages removed for license reasons:
    algorithms booktabs fltpage footbib prettyref 
  documentation removed for license reasons:
    suet corkpaper essential omega-manual guide de-tex-faq
  lots of packages updated, e.g. psnfss v9.0
  removed several duplicate files


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