I have just received this solution to the problem
on solaris 8.  It may help my problems with Solaris7
but I have not tried it yet.  But I'm passing it on
in the meantime.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 17:42:09 +0200 (CEST)
From: Jesper Holm Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Hugh Sasse Staff Elec Eng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: teTex problem on Solaris 8

> > Well, the problem is actually two problems:
> > 
> > 1) 'make install' fails with "error code: 1". If you redirect the output
> > of make to a file, you see that the problem is that 'texconfig' fails with
> > a "Could not open terminal: generic" which has something to do with
> > TERMINFO. Searching for this leads you to the file ind the texmf-tree:
> > texmf/texconfig/README. This says that texinfo must have information about
> > terminfo. Setting the two SHELL-variables DIALOG_TERMINFO and DIALOG_TERM
> > makes texconfig work.
> Do you just set them to true, or to the directories where terminfo lives
> (/usr/lib/terminfo) or something else?

set DIALOG_TERMINFO=/usr/share/lib/terminfo (or whereever you
terminfo-installation is) and DIALOG_TERM=vt100 (it worked for me).

> > 
> > 2) This doesn't solve the problem, though, because the reason that
> > texconfig fails, is that it cannot find the app-defaults for xdvi. THIS in
> > turn is because you have to install the texmf-tree at the
> > install-location BEFORE running configure and 'make install'. Once you do
> > that, it works.
> That's just a cp -R then is it?  Installing before you install
> is a bit recursive :-)

Yes, "Installing texmf before you install tex" is more precise :)

Jesper Holm Olsen,   Graduate student & UNIX System Administrator at the
                     Dept. of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
Guitarist in the c64-band PRESS PLAY ON TAPE: www.hybrisnemesis.com/ppot
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ************ Homepage: www.diku.dk/students/dunkel

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