M-Tx 0.60 is available on the Software page of the Icking Music Archive

1. Documentation

There is ready-made documentation on the site.  If you have never used
M-Tx, download only the documentation and read it.  After installing
the software, it is a good test of your installation to rebuild the

2. The preprocessor.

2.1 Windows and Mac users can download binaries.  Thanks for Christian 
    Mondrup for preparing these.

2.2 Linux users should make sure they have Free Pascal (if not, follow 
    the link on the software page).  Download the two zipfiles
    (mtxP060.zip has free Pascal sources and mtxD060.zip has sources to
    build the documentation).  Then:
  (a) Unzip each zipfile into its own empty directory (I'll call them
      "code" and "doc" respectively).
  (b) Inside the "code" directory, type "make".  After a few seconds,
      there should be an executable called "prepmx".
  (c) Move "prepmx" to a directory in you path, e.g. /usr/local/bin
      or $HOME/bin.  Make sure by typing "which prepmx" that the new
      version is the one that the system sees.

3. TeX installation

   Copy the files "mtx.tex" (from mtxP060.zip) and "mtxlatex.sty" 
   (from mtxD060.zip) to a place where TeX will find them.
4. Rebuilding the documentation.

   These instructions are for Linux.  

  (a) Inside the "doc" directory, type "make pdftarget".  (If you must 
      absolutely insist on still using DVI files, type "make dvitarget"
      instead.)  Then type "make config".  Check that everything looked
      for was found.  Then type "make".
  (b) After screens and screens full of messages that scroll past your 
      eyes, there should be a file "mtx.pdf" (or "mtx.dvi") that you
      can read at your leisure.
5. Obsolescence warning

The things said in the README about Borland Pascal and conversion to
C using p2c are probably no longer true.  They have not been deleted
because some intrepid soul might try them and with some ingenuity might
even get them working.  BUT: they will not appear in the next README,
since M-Tx is now developed using Free Pascal and no attempt will be
made to retain compatibility with other ways of compiling the Pascal code.

6. What's new?

6.1 Chord ties (page 13)
6.2 Macros (page 17)


Dirk Laurie 
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