Hi Jürgen,

it is possible that TeX4ht files in Miktex are too old. Alphabetic
style works for me correctly, with one small issue, the links from
citations to the bibliography don't work. A BibLaTeX update could
cause it, because I think links used to work.

I also found that the multibib issue that I experienced was caused by
naming one of the bibliographies as a "book". Multibib then loads a
file named book.aux in the way, which causes TeX4ht to load
configurations for the Book class. As I was using the Article class,
this fact caused a clash. When I renamed the bibliography to a
different name, the file compiled without errors.

Best regards,

On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 7:27 AM Jürgen Hubert via tex4ht <tex4ht@tug.org> wrote:
> Okay, I've switched to BibLaTeX, and through some testing have managed to 
> create EPUB files with bibliographies. So far, so good, although further 
> testing will be necessary.
> I did notice something interesting, though. I've been using the "alphabetic" 
> style, since that was what I used with multibib:
> \usepackage[style=alphabetic, backend=biber]{biblatex}
> I have a number of .bib entries - websites, mostly - which do not have an 
> author, but a key instead.
> @misc{ AIV,
>                 key = {Architekten und Ingenieurverein Berlin Brandenburg},
>                 title = "{Schinkel-Wettbewerb 2005}",
>                 howpublished = 
> {\url{https://www.aiv-berlin-brandenburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Dokumentation_SW_2005.pdf}},
>                 note = {Accessed: 2022-10-31}
> }
> The bibliography entry in the pdf looks like this:
> [Arc] Schinkel-Wettbewerb 2005. https://www.aiv-berlin-brandenburg.de/
>       wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Dokumentation_SW_2005.pdf. Accessed:
>       2022-10-31.
> However, the tex4ebook entry looks like this:
> []    Schinkel-Wettbewerb 2005. 
> https://www.aiv-berlin-brandenburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Dokumentation_SW_2005.pdf.
>  Accessed: 2022-10-31.

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