This post is related to late model vehicles.

In the event that any cavers or friends of cavers out there ever decide to
purchase a Toyota Tundra
or Toyota Sequoia, I just thought I would let you all know that if your
motor ever does need
to be replaced what the going price is for a "used motor" on e-Bay.

I can only hope now that the auto mechanic will make a faithful effort to
purchase the best motor that he can find.      Of course, he will charge me
an arm just for doing the work of finding the motor and delivering it to
his shop.    How can you trust a stranger to make such an important decision
for you ??

One of the ironic things to my newest predicament, is that I have about $
1,000 worth of tools in my rental storage unit.   I once put a
motor in my speleo-station wagon by myself, and I even took a class at A&M
to restore an old 1952 Ford 8-N tractor from a rusty
state at a junk-yard to a pristine state of museum quality.    But there is
no way I could pull that Sequoia motor out and put a new
one in by myself.

The mechanic alleges that the combined cost of labor and other parts is
nearly twice the cost of whatever motor
he ends up purchasing.

With my current string of misfortune, I will drive the Sequoia off his lot
in about 2 weeks and on the way home, the transmission with 190,000 miles
will fail before I even get home.     I just have to be optimistic that no
more repairs will be needed for a year.    Right ??

Either way, my personal life is going to have to become far more sedentary
than it already was.  ( I had gone completely
stir-crazy before this event ).       This fiasco may have even been my
last road-trip.

I went to my 35 year high-school reunion last night and that sort-of
cheered me up, as some of my classmates were also knee-deep in
guano.   Their parents were caring for their kids, or they had temporarily
moved back in with their parents, or were on their 4th marriage,
or were too drunk to remember why they came to the reunion.    It was
almost like an alcoholics anonymous meeting.   Most
of us had had similar setbacks in life, with car-accidents, lost friends
and family and failed jobs.    We mostly talked about when we first got
a microwave oven, and how many of our bones and muscles ache.     I wish I
had gone to a high school in a karst area with a caving club.
Then the reunion would have been cool.

David Locklear
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