Hard to believe that was nearly 20 years ago.

Was there not a pre-convention trip to Grutas de Carrizal ?

On the subject of Emerald Sink, it is possible that cavers could visit the
first level of the cave without worry, as I think 7 cavers went past the
Junction Room in 94 to look down the drop in Emerald Sink and none of them
reported being sick.  They were probably underground less than 2 hours and
would not have been doing anything too strenuous to be taking deep breaths.

The pit is the kind of rappel you would only want to do, if you did not
have access to any other 140 foot, or just wanted to bop it once so you
would know what is down there.  Meaning it is boring compared to other 140
foot pits.

The question I have, is what would it take to pump the bat urine out of the
sump and haul out the dirt and rocks and guano.  That would make the cave
at least a few deeper.   There is probably several thousand years of guano
in the sump, from a colony of 500 bats, very near the sump.

Is there a good map of the sump ?   Diving in bat urine sounds sporting,
but I do not recall the diver mentioning anything about guano.

While I am ranting about guano, does anyone know any aquarium hobbyist
using a pinch of guano under the roots of their aquarium plants ?

David Locklear

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