Charles "Squire" Lewis kept a log of his travels the summer of the 1966 NSS 
convention in California. Three people from the Reading, Pennsylvania, Grotto 
(say Redding) made a prolonged road trip that included the convention, caving 
in Xilitla area and touristing in Mexico. Along the way they made two visits to 
Austin, as well as visiting Hunstville, Alabama. Three months and three days, 
16,822 miles. Highly amusing tales of two cave bums and the general caving 
scene in the good old days.

It was published as a book, with many cartoons by Texas caver Charlie Loving, 
in 1993 as the "Chronicles of the Old Reading Grotto." I have put a PDF file of 
the book on the AMCS web site at 
Check it out. Both the AMCS and the TSA still have paper copies for sale (AMCS, 
$8, see I can take copies to 
UT Grotto meeting, or they'll be at TSA and TCR. -- Mixon
Lead me not into temptation. I can find the way myself.
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