Any ideas of resources for Celina? If so, please contact her directly. -- Mixon

Begin forwarded message:

From: Celina Cañada <>
Date: April 28, 2014 3:51:28 PM CDT
To: Mixon Bill <>

Dear Bill,
I sincerely apologize for the delay in answering your email, but due to reazons out of our control I´m sending you the pertaining information of the more defined area now. I hope you can still forward our request to the experts you mentioned before, as well as provide us with the contact information of any International Associations that might be willing to help us with the diagnosis, registration and sustainability of the underground caverns in San Pedro Garza Garcia, which are, as you mentioned, in the build-up area around Monterrey. The area of main interest is comprised within the following geographic coordinates:

LATITUE          24° 37´25.90” N
LONGITUDE    100° 23´14.62” O
ELEVATION     1241 m

LATITUDE        25° 37´57.30” N
LONGITUDE    100º 222´56.56” O
ELEVATION     889 m

LATITUDE        25° 37´28.32” N
LONGITUDE    100° 22´22.14” O
ELEVATION     954 m

LATITUDE        25°36´53.26”  N
LONGITUDE    100° 22´02.05” O
ELEVACIÓN     1171 m

LATITUDE        25° 36´40.01” N
LONGITUDE   100° 22´12.29” O
ELEVATION     1478 m

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. It is our hope that we can still count on your expertise and support, so that the aforementioned cavities and surrounding area can be duly preserved.

Best wishes,

Celina Cañada
Sierra en Peligro. A. C.

2014-03-05 10:28 GMT-06:00 Mixon Bill <>:
Celina -- The Association for Mexican Cave Studies does not keep a real catalog of caves in Mexico. I can forward your request for information to some experts, but it would help to have the area you are interested in better defined. I assume you mean the Garza García that is in the built-up area around Monterrey? How much of the surrounding area are you interested in? -- Bill Mixon
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