There is a story in the news this week about an archealogical dig in

These researcher's theory is that this spot proves humans cooked meats
as far back as 300,000 years ago.

This is interesting for several reasons.

To me, the fact that we have a spot in a cave where something like
21,478 generations ago, my ancestors might have been in this cave sitting
there roasting a pig, celebrating the solistice or the birth of a new baby, or
something fun, is an exciting image to picture.    I wonder what there names
were, and how many of them sat around the fire, and how cold was it and
were they happy or frightened.     Was there danger lurking outside the cave
such as large predators or war, or ghetto neighbors l like the ones that live
next door to me.    Imagine living your whole life near that cave,
never having to
have used your brain to calculate your taxes or to watch tv, or living
in a world
where the nearby population was probably only in the thousands, if not the
hundreds.   I am guessing their total vocabulary was only a few thousand words
to memorize, and since they didn't have to memorize anything, their brains were
free to daydream and count the millions of stars in the sky.

I wonder if anyone is still related to these cave dwellers, or did their lineage
become extinct ?

My feeling is they spent a lot of time pondering whether the chicken came
before the egg, or why the sun and moon are round, and other natural questions
that we too talk about while sitting around the campfire.   Surely,
they had some
kind of humor and told jokes, and sang songs and beat on something with sticks
to make percussion sounds.      I bet the old timers would say, "back
in the good
ole days," we didn't have a wheel, you younguns got it made,  etc.

David Locklear

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