Some of y'all already know British cavers/cave divers Chris Jewell, Laura Trowbridge and Scott Marsh. These three balmy Brits have started out an across the continental USoA on a bicycle "race" following the TransAmerica Trail.

They started at Yorktown Virginia on May 5th and have a long ride ahead of them (4200miles +/-).
I received a message from Laura with the following request:

"We are attempting to cycle the Trans America route starting in the east at York town. We are currently 1 week in. I never thought of it before but if we can find a few cavers on the route who may be able to help with accommodation / camping space/ washing cycling shorts, etc. It was just a thought but when I considered all the cavers who are NSS members I thought there may be a few who could help out!"

SO even though their route does not come into Texas, I know there are a number of out of state cavers that hang out on this list and they also have friends on other lists....

SO if y'all know anyone along the route that might be willing to help, pass this request along.

Feel free to repost this to other lists as well.

The States along the route are:

Virginia - Kentucky - Missouri - Kansas - Colorado - Wyoming - Montana - Idaho - Oregon (4228.5 mi.)

How to get in touch with them?
You can message (and follow/like) them on their Facebook page:

3 Brits on Bikes Facebook page:

And if you do not have access to Facebook, then just drop me an email to pass along at:

Terry Holsinger

I am working on getting an usable email for them as well as a text-able phone number, but they are spending their days in the saddle

Link to a video slide show that Chris Jewell gave to the UT Grotto 4 years ago after the return cave diving trip to the bottom of Huautla:

A link to the TransAmerica Trail website:

A Google maps link to the "race route":
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