>From David Locklear
Charlie and company, please hit delete button.

Here we are, approaching April of 2019, and many tourist
and traveler's and cavers are using virtual money, or their smartphone or
a non-bank debit card, etc. to spend on their purchases.

I am almost dependent now on my CASH app card.    And I recently
got a SQUARE card, but have not used it yet.   ( I am trying to train
myself to only use my SQUARE income soley for the monthly rent ).

The main reason I am posting this topic here, is that in June, Apple users
will have access to a new credit card integrated into their phone, and I
many of you are experts at Apple iPhones.

I am phone shopping, and need a good phone for my business and
travel.   My last purchase and LG G6 set me back over $ 500 and it
was a dud - one of the worst investments I ever made.

I have recently been able to collect more payments from my customers
using CASH app, and SQUARE, but Zelle is still popular and I think I had
one PayPal payment so far this year.   I can't seem to get anybody to try
Venmo.    I wish I could dump all my customers that still write paper
I am just going to have to get in the habit of depositing the checks
using the smartphone's camera.   I am still years behind on the on-line
banking stuff,
mostly because I live day to day, wondering how I am going to put gas in the

If you have any expertise on this new Apple Card topic, feel free to email


I was leaning towards the Samsung S10, as my next big upgrade
in life.   But now, I think I should reconsider and go with an
super-over-priced iPhone X ( or 10 ).
I am afraid that if I spend $ 600 or more on an iPhone, that Apple will
deny me
access to Apple Credit, because of my poor credit score.    That would be
setback.    What I am hoping, is that this new Apple Credit tool will
replace gas-credit
cards like Shell, EXXON, Chevron, Texaco, etc., and that it will be cheaper
purchase gas and things from gas stations that way, or at least easier.

I do not yet have a phone that can do the Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Apple
I could use Google Pay, if I paid a fortune to have my LG G6 fixed,
but that seems like a risky investment, too.

On a not-so related note, this all made me ponder about how that many
decades ago,
futurist predicted or described what 2019, might be like.

in 1925, a writer in Germany published a book called, "Metropolis," set in
and a silent movie was made about it in 1927.   ( Meaning set about 7 to 8
years from now ).
[   I only bring this up, because there are no smartphones, or wireless
technology, in that future,
nor things that are very common in our society today ]  The futurist
depicted a setting of a
labor-class of people having a violent revolution against
a handful of rich industrialist who controlled the machines.   It features
traffic jams, electronic
billboards, over-crowded underclass of workers, glass skyscrapers,
electrical blackouts, ***tiny handheld flashlights*** ( similar
to this one,
but with a large convex diffuser lens ), but also LED light fixtures inside
Anyways, the author's vision, could not compare or describe on film the
traffic jams of
present-day Houston, nor the reality of LED lights, the manner in which
automation has taken over parts of our
culture ( ATM's, grocery check-out lines, online billing / autopay ), nor
depicted the
anarchy and chaos that has recently unfolded in
present day societies around the Earth ( Venezuela, Brexit, Vatican, Yemen,
Chicago, Acapulco, Somalia ),
nor the complex proposals by the disenchanted to take away from the
1 percent of society.    The movie seemed to have predicted the rise of
Green New Deal politician, AOC, pretty close to reality except
in the movie, she looks like Madonna on meth.   Right ?
The most amazing prediction was at 1:49:51 into the
movie, with a Skype like device on a flat-screen 17 inch
monitor, except the monitor seems to act as the camera-recorder
device simultaneously.

Here is the movie, if you have never watched it.


David Locklear
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