I have a story about Mike Boon and Caña. During the 1980 Polish rescue
in San Agustín (the one Boon wrote the booklet about that Bill Mixon
mentioned), Boon prepared a duffel bag to be sent down the cave for his
use when he was slated to go to camp a couple of days later. Whoever
was assigned to sherpa the duffel in picked it up and complained at the
weight. The caver opened the bag and right on top was a gallon plastic
jug of caña! He took it out and carried in the rest of the bag. When
Boon found out his caña had been left behind, he was pissed. "You had
no right!" he said.
   Boon definitely loved his caña. The above was especially ironic because
he was constantly berating people for carrying too much stuff. (Here's
a quote from his booklet, referring to Bill Liebman: "He was carrying
an enormous bag, because wherever Americans go they always carry
enormous bags; no one's ever been able to determine what's in 'em yet."
Apparently it wasn't caña...) Boon himself carried so little that he
was constantly borrowing things and bumming food and carbide from our
"enormous bags".

   To answer Preston, J. M. Boon is John Michael Boon.

Mark Minton

On Tue, December 23, 2014 12:12 pm, Ernie Garza wrote:
> Mike must have celebrated
> that evening with his favorite drink, Cana, a powerful sugar cane
> distilate mixed with Tang. But when he did that, look out, for one never
> knew what could happen next!
> Ernie Garza

On Tue, December 23, 2014 6:01 pm, Preston Forsythe wrote:
> JM Boon was a real character and his book on free diving sump after sump
> was either madness or cutting edge. RIP..By the way what was Mike's first
> name....Preston in KY

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