texascavers Digest 6 Jun 2014 15:35:02 -0000 Issue 1991

Topics (messages 23913 through 23921):

Re: June 6st Presentation Info
        23913 by: Geary Schindel

Scientists Find Bat Feared Extinct
        23914 by: Lee H. Skinner

consumer tip for cavers
        23915 by: David

Easy donating to the TCMA on Amazon.com
        23916 by: Stefan Creaser
        23920 by: Charles Goldsmith

Pepcid radio commercial ?
        23917 by: David

Bustamante Survey
        23918 by: Espeleo Coahuila

Re: Bustamante related
        23919 by: David

House for sale in south Austin caver hood
        23921 by: Jim Kennedy


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--- Begin Message ---

Just to clarify, Chris will be making a slide presentation about the Holocaust 
era cave story and will not be showing a film. He is an excellent speaker and 
I’m sure you’ll appreciate the presentation.


From: Geary Schindel
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 3:13 PM
To: 'Geary Schindel'
Subject: FW: June 6st Presentation Info

Chris asked me to forward this various list servers. I saw Chris speak and show 
the film at the National Speleological Society convention last year in 
Shippensburg, Pennsylvania and it was outstanding. Here is a rare opportunity 
to see the film in Boerne (San Antonio area).

Hi Everyone,

On Friday, June 6st I'll be giving a 8:00 PM presentation in the San Antonio, 
Texas area about the Holocaust era cave survival story featured in my book, The 
Secret of Priest's Grotto and the associated documentary, No Place On Earth 
(www.noplaceonearthfilm.com<http://www.noplaceonearthfilm.com>). Admission $20 
plus tax at door. Please contact Thomas Summers 
(t...@cavewithoutaname.com<mailto:t...@cavewithoutaname.com>) at Cave Without A 
Name (325 Kreutzberg Rd. Boerne, TX 78006) for additional details. Please 
arrive at least 15 to 30 minutes in advance.


Chris Nicola
"I am in part all that I have seen and met" (Tennyson, from the poem Ulysses)

<<attachment: winmail.dat>>

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--- Begin Message --- Researchers studying bats in Papua New Guinea came across a long-lost friend in their nets: a female identified as a New Guinea big-eared bat, reports /Scientific American/ <http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/extinction-countdown/2014/06/03/bat-extinct-rediscovered/>. It's noteworthy because no specimen has been seen in 124 years, and the species was feared to be extinct. Now that a positive ID has been made, researchers plan to return to the area to look for more and add to the scant knowledge of the creature. The bad news: The female found was "ethically euthanized" after it was caught, the Australian researchers write in the /Conversation/ <http://theconversation.com/lost-bat-species-rediscovered-after-120-years-in-the-wilderness-26062>, so we'll hope she wasn't the last of her kind. Assuming more exist, the big-eared bats might be in trouble anyway because of how quickly local rainforests are being cleared to make room for development and agriculture, say the researchers. The same applies to other microbats and creatures of all kinds. "Who knows what other species are out there?" they write. "If we're not careful, they might be gone before we can find them." Adds John Platt of /Scientific American/: "We may not have another 120 years to save this rediscovered species."
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
If you are ever in need of some "free" heavy duty cardboard boxes to
pack your caving
books, or store something in the closet, I have found a place that regularly
has such an item.

It is a store called Batteries+.   They ship batteries in boxes, so
the boxes have to
be rugged.    For some crazy reason, they throw away excellent boxes.

They even sell some things you might find useful such as flashlights
and batteries, although their prices are higher than the big discount

While I have your attention,

I have been spending most of my spare time
the past week or so on Linkedin.    This place on the web appears to be
picking up steam, and I see lots of people at least trying it, or have just
signed up for an account.    I have not yet made enough money using it
to justify the
time spent, but it seems productive for someone who is trying to market
their job skills, in a way far better than other services on the
Internet.  I did
receive a phone call yesterday from a prospective employer, that I was only
able to reach via their Linkedin page, and a few hours later, we exchanged
a cell-phone text-message.  That
process would have taken weeks back in the 20th Century.


I sure do want to attend the big party on Saturday, because I have been living
way above my means for 9 months, and it has finally caught up to me.  I
went to L'Auberge du Lac, and threw a Hail-Mary Pass, but it got intercepted
by a slot machine.     My car is falling apart, but I think it will
survive the road-trip,
so that issue want stop me this time.

David Locklear

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
In addition to what Bennett posted about after the TSA Spring Convention...

If you want to bypass going to www.tcmacaves.org<http://www.tcmacaves.org> 
before going to Amazon you can sign up for Amazon Smile  { 
http://smile.amazon.com/} and search for "Texas Cave Management" as your 
designated charity (TCMA won't work).


From: Bennett Lee [mailto:benn...@bennettlee.com]

Subject: [Texascavers] TSA Spring Convention Group Photo

First, let me say behave of the TCMA, thank you all for your generous 
contributions and bids to the TCMA Auction.  We raised over $6000, which is a 
new auction record.  This money helps cover our operating expenses to maintain 
our cave preserves.  For example, the Deep and Punkin cabin, which offers a 
fine reprieve after our long survey trips, is in desperate need of a new roof.  
Other properties need kiosks, gate repair, cleanup, etc. and your support at 
the auction is a step in covering these expenses, but it doesn't cover 
everything!  So I urge you to help throughout the year by using our new Amazon 
link in the banner of the TCMA website 
(www.tcmacaves.org<http://www.tcmacaves.org>).  All you have to do is click the 
link, then buy whatever you were planning to buy from Amazon, and Amazon will 
contribute 5% of your order total to the TCMA.  It doesn't cost you anything 
extra-the contribution is paid directly out of Amazon's profits.  Just click, 
the link, buy something, and you automatically contribute to the TCMA.  Thank 
you in advance for using the link, and again thank you for your support at the 
TCMA Auction!

-- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are 
confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any 
other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any 
medium. Thank you.

ARM Limited, Registered office 110 Fulbourn Road, Cambridge CB1 9NJ, Registered 
in England & Wales, Company No: 2557590
ARM Holdings plc, Registered office 110 Fulbourn Road, Cambridge CB1 9NJ, 
Registered in England & Wales, Company No: 2548782

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I went to the TCMA webpage, clicked on the link, hit bookmark and
placed it in my toolbar for easy access.

Does the TCMA get a monthly report or anything of the sort for people
who are using it?  I'm curious if my purchases are counting.

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Stefan Creaser <stefan.crea...@arm.com> wrote:
> In addition to what Bennett posted about after the TSA Spring Convention…
> If you want to bypass going to www.tcmacaves.org before going to Amazon you
> can sign up for Amazon Smile  { http://smile.amazon.com/} and search for
> “Texas Cave Management” as your designated charity (TCMA won’t work).
> Cheers,
> Stefan
> From: Bennett Lee [mailto:benn...@bennettlee.com]
> Subject: [Texascavers] TSA Spring Convention Group Photo
> First, let me say behave of the TCMA, thank you all for your generous
> contributions and bids to the TCMA Auction.  We raised over $6000, which is
> a new auction record.  This money helps cover our operating expenses to
> maintain our cave preserves.  For example, the Deep and Punkin cabin, which
> offers a fine reprieve after our long survey trips, is in desperate need of
> a new roof.  Other properties need kiosks, gate repair, cleanup, etc. and
> your support at the auction is a step in covering these expenses, but it
> doesn’t cover everything!  So I urge you to help throughout the year by
> using our new Amazon link in the banner of the TCMA website
> (www.tcmacaves.org).  All you have to do is click the link, then buy
> whatever you were planning to buy from Amazon, and Amazon will contribute 5%
> of your order total to the TCMA.  It doesn’t cost you anything extra—the
> contribution is paid directly out of Amazon’s profits.  Just click, the
> link, buy something, and you automatically contribute to the TCMA.  Thank
> you in advance for using the link, and again thank you for your support at
> the TCMA Auction!
> -- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are
> confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended
> recipient, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the
> contents to any other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the
> information in any medium. Thank you.
> ARM Limited, Registered office 110 Fulbourn Road, Cambridge CB1 9NJ,
> Registered in England & Wales, Company No: 2557590
> ARM Holdings plc, Registered office 110 Fulbourn Road, Cambridge CB1 9NJ,
> Registered in England & Wales, Company No: 2548782

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I just heard a professional marketing radio commercial inviting everyone in
the Greater Houston area to come see the bat flight each evening by the
Waugh St. Bridge west of downtown.  They made it sound like it was one of
Houston's biggest attractions.  It seem to be an event sponsored by the
medicine company that markets Pepcid.

David Locklear

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Friends

We need help to do survey in Bustamante.  Do you can come in thanks giving
day 27, 28 , 29  November???

let me know if you can help me!



Coordinadora de la Comisión Internacional de Técnicas y Materiales de la UIS

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
A caver could spend their lifetime in the Bustamante area looking for caves and
mapping caves, and re-surveying and re-mapping, etc.

In Bustamante Canyon, along the hike up to Precipicio, off to the
right, and across a ravine, and about 2/3 of the way up the trail, is
a walk-in cave entrance hidden by brush.   It is walking passage for
about 20 meters.   It could be surveyed in less than 2 shots probably.

Higher up near the top, a caver reported in a 1974 issue of the Texas
caver, numerous
shelter caves and leads, and published a rough sketch as to their
location.   Those could be relocated, GPS'd, sketched, etc.

Has anyone tried to push the sump in Carrizal since Wayne Russell's
attempt around 1985 ?     I still have not seen a map of that.   It
would be nice to see a diving video of it in HD.

Over at Minas Viejas are some of the great caves in the northern part
of the state.   I haven't heard of much going on there in years,
except for some attempts at eco-tourist

A caver reported in the early 80's in one of the AMCS publications
finding a blind pit
on the side of Pico de Candela.    Myself and 2 other cavers did some
ridgewalking in
the lower parts of the mountain near the town, and didn't find
anything worth making
a note of.    There was a large shelter cave that looked like it had
been mined once.

David Locklear



( skip to 1:30 in the link above )

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
409 Ramble Lane, just around the corner from Mockingbird. Listed at $171,000. 
4/1. Details at zillow.com. 

This has been a public service announcement. 


Mobile email from my iPhone

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