*Zoraida López González*, daughter of Francisco López Balseiro and Pastora
González Sarmiento, was born in Havana, Cuba, on January 24, 1928
(misreported as September 27, 1928) and passed away on March 12, 2018, at
the age of 90 years.

Zoraida had a great love for life and knowledge, traveled extensively, and
was always pursuing educational opportunities. She obtained a bachelor’s
degree in social work from the University of Havana in 1950 and an M.S. in
art and literature from Highlands University in Las Vegas, New Mexico in
1984. She also studied TV production in Miami, Florida, and journalism at
the University of Puerto Rico. She also pursued her love of art through
formal studies at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Alejandro in Cuba and
at the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico (including a scholarship from the
Organization of American States to study stained glass and mosaics). She
exhibited her work in Mexico and Puerto Rico.

*Zoraida was a pioneer in speleological investigations, being an active
member, and only woman, in the Speleological Society in Cuba in the late
1940s and early 1950s.* Her love of the outdoors was shared with her
husband at the time. This resulted in the formation of “Filmaciones
Balcells-Lopez,” which created films of several areas of extraordinary
beauty in Cuba. One of the films, “La Cumbre Azul,” documented the scaling
of Pico Turquino. Another, “Esplendor Pinareño,” documented a voyage across
Pinar del Rio.

Zoraida also enjoyed writing and reciting poetry, frequently organizing
“tertulias” where friends could enjoy an evening of poetry reading. Some of
her many poems are included in her three books of poetry: “Canto al
Artesano,” “Canto a la Recreación” and “Poemario de Villancicos.”

Zoraida is survived by her son, Robert Balcells, her sister Aralia Lopez,
nieces Alina Alfonso, Tessie Lluria, and Yareli Arizmendi, and nephew Fidel
Arizmendi. She also leaves behind several cousins and other relatives.


*Parker Bradford*


*Roy Davis Jr.*


*Nelson Corby Jr.*


I can't remember if I posted these two last time.



There are probably many more.    But that would require doing more in-depth
research.    It is a morbid task,
but somebody has to do it.    Right ??

David Locklear
NSS # 27639 Lifemember ( until I croak )
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