
> I'd like to know what are the probabilities (as we stand today) of
> offering Mercurial hosting @ TH.org (if not right away, at least in a
> near future ;o) ?

Mercurial is not possible yet, but might be an option as soon as we switch
to Trac 0.12 (multi-repos). In addition to that the TracHacksPlugin needs
some modifications to allow choosing between Subversion and Mercurial when
registering a new hack.

As for the "when" part of the question: I did not even finish the switch
to 0.11, but it may be that we skip 0.11 and directly upgrade to 0.12
instead. At this time I have no schedule yet for the upgrade, and thus
can't tell if and when Mercurial actually becomes an option on t-h.o. My
time has been pretty limited during the last months, and it's likely to
stay so for the upcoming couple of months.

Sorry for not having better news right now.

Bye, Mike

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