This is real alert and not hoax mail . Take precaution.

Forwarding news about A VIRUS ATTACK on  Orkut. 

"California, Sep 26: Just few days after the social  networking site Twitter 
attacked by virus which sent its followers to porn sites, another 
popular networking hub Orkut also affected by virus. 

Orkut, which is very popular in India, has been hit by aworm named 'Bom 
which means 'Good Saturday' in Portuguese. Analysts told that the virus 
the XSS (cross-site scripting) of the site. This virus posted scraps to the 
Orkut users with the text Bom Sabado and is  sent to the users account by the 
name of the other friends account. Making it more severe the worm also adds 
affected users to new Orkut groups.

The security experts warned the users not to not log into their Orkut account 
until the problem gets solved. Users also  asked not to click on any suspicious 

Earlier on Sep 2010, the most popular social networking hub with more than 500 
million users, Facebook, also faced networking glitches due to an outside 
technical problem. It was Facebook's most tragic outrage in its history. "


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