E mails not private anymore. Read the news given below:


Nov 23 02:45 PM

Police can now track your 
Mumbai, Nov. 22 -- The police can now 
read your e-mails without prior permission from the home department. The 
Parliament recently cleared an amendment to the Information Technology (IT) 
allowing the police to intercept or decrypt online information without seeking 
the home department's nod.

Rising instances of cyber crime have prompted the move aimed at cutting red 
tape. The amendment empowers the inspector general of police to permit 
interception or decoding information in cyber space in an emergency. This will 
help speedy detection of cyber crimes like phishing or sending offensive 
messages and in tracking terrorists who operate using the Internet.

Advocate I.P. Bagaria said the amendment was necessary. "Every citizen has a 
right to privacy. However, this cannot be at the cost of the state or country," 
he said. The secretary in-charge of the state home department should be 
about the interception within three days of tracking.
The secretary - the final sanctioning authority - has to grant permission 
within seven days. Once the sanction has been obtained, it has to be placed 
before the Review Committee within two months. Senior advocate Amit Desai said 
this period should be reduced. "Otherwise there are chances of misuse of these 

The police had to earlier take permission from the additional chief 
secretary, home or, in an emergency, the joint secretary. "Liberalisation of 
interception is required when the world is dealing with terrorism," said senior 
police officer-turned-lawyer Y.P. Singh.

Cyber expert Vijay Mukhi said there should be a mechanism to check 

      The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

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