On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 3:04 PM, Radhakrishnan Nerur Ramanathan wrote:


> Brahmins--an interesting analysis
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/USBrahmins/conversations/topics/95835;_ylc=X3oDMTJzbHJoY3JnBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzEzMTUxMTkxBGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA3NTk5MQRtc2dJZAM5NTgzNQRzZWMDZG1zZwRzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxNDcyNjMyMTMw>
> Accusations::
> ---------------
> > They say:
> >
> >>
> >> > 1. Indian Brahmins have been oppressing the lower caste
> >> population in India.
> >>
> >> > 2. Brahmins introduced the inhuman
> >> "untouchability"
> >>
> >> > 3. Brahmins are cunning, parasitic exploiters and
> >> creators of the iniquitous caste system.
> >>
> >> > 4. Indian sub-continent&#39;s biggest problem was 5000
> >> years of Brahmin oppression!
> >>
> >> > 5. Brahmins never allowed others to read and write or
> >> to learn Sanskrit!
> >>
> >> > 6. Brahmins are arrogant, dis-respective, communal and
> >> abusive extremists who whip the dalits (lower caste Hindus)
> >> till they die.
> >>
> >> > 7. Brahmins exploited and continue to exploit everyone
> >> else.
> >>
> >> > 8. Brahmins authored the Hindu scriptures just to
> >> ensure their own highest position in the social
> >> hierarchy.
> ------------ -----------
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > The list is endless! And any educated person believes
> >> this as 100% truth. Even those who born in today's
> >> Brahmin caste are apologetic about their birth due to these
> >> "truths"!
> >> >
> >>
> >> > However, these 'truth&#39; arguments clearly lack
> >> historical validity and logical consistency. It is merely a
> >> case of “repeat a lie a hundred times and it will become
> >> the truth”. (Joseph Goebbels' theory). It is amazing
> >> to see that how fiction can become truth
> >> in course of time!
> >>
> >> >
> Retardations
> ---------------
> >>
> >> > Let's examine truth based on facts and real
> >> history.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > To start with, there is no SINGLE Brahmin god in
> >> Hinduism! All gods are from backward castes, dalits and
> >> tribals. Brahmins never created the concept of Gods in
> >> Hinduism.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > There was no even SINGLE Brahmin King that ruled India.
> >> To be able to oppress others requires positions of power.
> >> The Brahmin’s traditional occupation was that of temple
> >> priest (purohit) officiating religious functions. Their sole
> >> income was Biksha (alms)
> >> given by the land-lords (non-Brahmins). And another section
> >> of Brahmins were teachers, that too without salary.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Vedic literature was mostly written by non-Brahmins!
> >> The most powerful of the dharma shaastra, that gives
> >> Brahmins a high status, is the Manusmriti written by Manu, a
> >> non-Brahmin. Brahmin means a profession (Varna) then, not a
> >> caste.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > If the reading and writing of Sanskrit was confined to
> >> Brahmins then how do you have the tribal Valmiki composing
> >> Ramayana? Ved Vyas, who classified four vedas and wrote
> >> Mahabharata, was born to a fisher-woman. Sanskrit was used
> >> mostly by non-Brahmin writers
> >> - there are very few scriptures in Sanskrit authored by
> >> Brahmins.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > We consider the teachings of Ved Vyas, Vashishtha,
> >> Valmiki, Krishna, Rama, Agasthya, Vishwamitra, Shrunga,
> >> Gowthama, Buddha, Mahavira, Tulsidas, Thiruvalluvar,
> >> Kabir, Vivekananda, Gandhi, Narayana guru etc as most
> >> valuable. If none of them were Brahmins
> >> why cry so much about Brahmin didn't allow you to
> >> learn? There are numerous works on bhakti by non-Brahmin
> >> bhakti saints. Brahmins never prevented others from
> >> learning.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Brahmins were neither rich nor powerful at any point of
> >> time in history. Pick up any old Indian story book, you will
> >> see ‘Garib Brahmin’ (Poor Brahmin) quoted as a virtue.
> >> (Remember Kuchela-Krishna story?) Though their profession
> >> was considered as highest
> >> stature of the society, the Brahmin ascetics' only way
> >> of survival was alms given by people.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > The biggest contribution of Brahmins is sustaining the
> >> best language ever spoken in the earth - Sanskrit. If you
> >> learn English or Arab, you have commercial benefits. Nobody
> >> ever promoted Sanskrit. Without any benefits, Brahmins took
> >> up voluntary task of learning
> >> Sanskrit. Then, now you accuse them of monopoly in
> >> Sanskrit!
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Dr.B.R. Ambedkar, the father of Indian constitution,
> >> stated that “untouchability” began in Indian
> >> sub-continent after 400 AD, when beef-eaters shunned as
> >> “untouchables.” When people of India were forced to
> >> embrace Islam by Muslim invaders, lot of Hindus,
> >> including those in the professions of Brahmin and Kshatriya
> >> among others decided they would not accept Islam at any cost
> >> – even if they die. To destroy their dharmabhiman
> >> (religious pride), swabhiman (self-respect) and
> >> rashtraabhiman (pride in nationality),
> >> they were forced into carrying the night soil and engage in
> >> leather-work. This is how Scheduled Castes were created.
> >> They were forced to eat cow-meat. Then marked them as lower
> >> caste. Peace-loving people were pushed into “unclean
> >> occupations” because they
> >> refused to bow before invaders and convert to invader's
> >> religions during the medieval times, thus making them
> >> “untouchables", as per lot of historians.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Whatever, it is obvious that caste system and evil
> >> practices like Sati were introduced after around AD 500,
> >> thanks to insecurity created among Indians by invaders!
> >> Slavery was unheard in India till then.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > All ancient literature gives highest position to
> >> Brahmins, because of the virtue and ethics they upheld. Can
> >> you quote a single incident of violence by those
> >> "merciless Brahmins" ever happened anywhere?
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Historical evidences show that poor hapless Brahmins
> >> were beheaded by Arabian invaders, crucified in Goa by the
> >> Portuguese Inquisition, vilified by British missionaries,
> >> and morally crucified today by their own brothers and
> >> sisters.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Aurangzeb massacred 150,000 Brahmins and their families
> >> in Benares, Ganga gnat, Haridwar, etc... He wouldn't eat
> >> his everyday breakfast without seeing a bunch of
> >> "janeoos" (holy thread) soaked in the blood of
> >> Brahmins after killing them!
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > The brutal and fanatic barbarians from Portugese
> >> mercilessly persecuted and killed lakhs of Konkani Brahmins
> >> who refused to get converted, in Konkan-Goa. The brutal
> >> barbarian Francis Xavier, who led the massacre, later
> >> canonized as Saint.
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Sarawat Brahmins were living peacefully in Kashmir and
> >> Gandhara desa-regions-(part of today’s Afghan-Pakistan
> >> included) area. You can't see them there now. The
> >> foreign invaders killed thousands of Saraswats. Pundits, the
> >> original inhabitants of Kashmir were
> >> tortured and driven out of their dwellings in Kashmir.
> >> Genocide of Kashmiri Pundits has reached its climax with
> >> terrorism succeeding in ‘CLEANSING’ the valley of this
> >> ancient ethno-religious community.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Dr. Ambedkar quoting Muslim historians says the first
> >> act of religious zeal by Mohammad bin Qasim, the first Arab
> >> invader, was circumcision of Brahmins. “But, after they
> >> objected, he put all above the age of seventeen to
> >> death.”
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > In early 19th century, Tipu Sultan's army descended
> >> in Melkote on a Deepavali day and massacred 800 citizens,
> >> mostly of a sect known as Mandyam Iyengars. He was a fanatic
> >> killer.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Brahmins, who historically dedicated their lives for
> >> the sake of dharma and the welfare of the society, are still
> >> persecuted in modern India for their falsely alleged sins of
> >> the past!!!
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > The anti-Brahmin theory was planned and successfully
> >> planted by hostile religious invaders, colonialist and
> >> missionaries of conversion and by politicians to keep the
> >> public blind and at the same time rob Indians off
> >> everything.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > This baseless theory was propagated by Leftists,
> >> priests and religious leaders from hostile aggressive
> >> religions, separatists and casteists, die-hard fans of
> >> invaders, the British etc. And modern literate believe in
> >> this utter non-sense!
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > When they attack Brahmins, their target is unmistakably
> >> Hinduism!
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > The prayer of a Brahmin was: “Loka Samastha Sukino
> >> Bhavantu” (May all the beings in all the worlds be happy).
> >> In turn, the world is trying to crucify them, for no fault
> >> of them. Brahmins are never involved in any caste-based
> >> violence in India TILL this day!
> >>
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > People ask me: was everything about Brahmin
> >> all good?"
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > "No - Some Brahmins certainly would have
> >> manipulated caste system - just as they do in political
> >> parties or religious groups. Insecure Brahmin communities
> >> may have later developed into closely held groups or castes
> >> for survival. There were also few exceptions
> >> among Brahmins as a community - like Peshwa Chitpawan
> >> Brahmins, Namboodiri chieftains of Kerala, Bhumihar
> >> chieftains of Bihar, few short lived minor kingdoms like
> >> Anangpal, Jaipal and Bhamini - who were either rich or
> >> powerful. There were Brahmins who exploited
> >> others using there status in the society making use of
> >> situations, just like corrupt Bureaucrats. They are few,
> >> not even one percent of the Brahmin. Should we generalize
> >> the whole community for the mistakes done by a small section
> >> among them?"
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > During feudal times, the land-owning class (Zamindars)
> >> oppressed dalits. Even today, OBCs also oppressed the
> >> dalits. But Brahmins became the scapegoat.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > There is so much of vicious propaganda against Brahmins
> >> that the modern Brahmin always felt apologetic, for the
> >> oppression allegedly committed by the Brahmin class on the
> >> lower class.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Brahmins have been torch bearers of spiritual
> >> knowledge, upheld the spiritual and cultural legacy, kept
> >> the sanctified rituals alive and gave a distinct identity to
> >> sanatan dharma. Brahmin-bashing is reverse discrimination,
> >> another form of discrimination
> >> nonetheless! It’s very unfair to marginalize such an
> >> important community from Indian political relevance and
> >> discourse. Caste was always just a political tool of
> >> rulers.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Brahmins were pushed to bottom in level of importance
> >> and treated as villains (scape goat) in the caste based
> >> politics since elections/democracy meant use of populist
> >> methods which was easy to sell.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > For many past centuries, mostly Christians and Muslims
> >> were ruling India. Do we have to blame Brahmins for
> >> everything that went wrong in India? Brahmins have never
> >> ruled India. Even after Independence, if Castiesm exists in
> >> India, who are to blame other than
> >> rulers?
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Modern Brahmins having abandoned their traditional way
> >> of life and being cut off from their traditions, suffer from
> >> an unjustified guilt complex and have swallowed this
> >> suppression propaganda uncritically. Caught between the
> >> greed of the masses, the unscrupulousness
> >> of the politicians and the malice of the real exploiters,
> >> they are persecuted mercilessly in modern India.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > There have always been deliberate attempts to confuse
> >> the concept of Brahmanism with the caste of Brahmins in
> >> India. Caste system, introduced during medieval period
> >> because of invaders, is absolutely wrong. It’s against
> >> Sanatan Dharma.
> >> According to our ancestors, everybody should
> >> thrive to become a real Brahmin. For the sake of a beautiful
> >> green world, let's support Brahmanism that propagates
> >> non-violence and peace.
> >> --a

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