On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 6:40 PM, Narayanan Ramakrishna Iyer <
nrv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *I hope the following text is the relevant in the context as I do not have
> any clue of *
> *what I sent:*
> *Brahmins : One of the poorest and maligned ‘Castes’ in India*
> *The public image of the Brahmins, for instance, is that of an affluent,
> pampered class. But is it so today?*
> *There* are 50 Sulabh Shauchalayas (public toilets) in Delhi; all of them
> are cleaned and looked after by Brahmins (this very welcome public
> institution was started by a Brahmin). A far cry from the elitist image
> that Brahmins have!
> *There* are five to six Brahmins manning each Shauchalaya. They came to
> Delhi eight to ten years back looking for a source of income, as they were
> a minority in most of their villages, where Dalits are in majority (60 per
> cent to 65 per cent). In most villages in UP and Bihar, Dalits have a union
> which helps them secure jobs in villages.
> *Did you* know that you also stumble upon a number of Brahmins working as
> coolies at Delhi’s railway stations? One of them, Kripa Shankar Sharma,
> says while his daughter is doing her Bachelors in Science he is not sure if
> she will secure a job.
> *“Dalits* often have five to six kids, but they are confident of placing
> them easily and well,” he says. As a result, the Dalit population is
> increasing in villages. He adds: “Dalits are provided with housing, even
> their pigs have spaces; whereas there is no provision for gaushalas
> (cowsheds) for the cows of the Brahmins.”
> *You* also find Brahmin rickshaw pullers in Delhi. 50 per cent of Patel
> Nagar’s rickshaw pullers are Brahmins who like their brethren have moved to
> the city looking for jobs for lack of employment opportunities and poor
> education in their villages.
> *Even* after toiling the whole day, Vijay Pratap and Sidharth Tiwari, two
> Brahmin rickshaw pullers, say they are hardly able to make ends meet. These
> men make about Rs 100 to Rs 150 on an average every day from which they pay
> a daily rent of Rs 25 for their rickshaws and Rs 500 to Rs 600 towards the
> rent of their rooms which is shared by 3 to 4 people or their families.
> *Did you also know that most rickshaw pullers in Banaras are Brahmins?*
> *This reverse* discrimination is also found in bureaucracy and politics.
> Most of the intellectual Brahmin Tamil class has emigrated outside Tamil
> Nadu. Only 5 seats out of 600 in the combined UP and Bihar assembly are
> held by Brahmins(2006) — the rest are in the hands of the Yadavs.
> *400,000* Brahmins of the Kashmir valley, the once respected Kashmiri
> Pandits, now live as refugees in their own country, sometimes in refugee
> camps in Jammu and Delhi in appalling conditions. But who gives a damn
> about them? Their vote bank is negligible.
> *And this* is not limited to the North alone. 75 per cent of domestic help
> and cooks in Andhra Pradesh are Brahmins. A study of the Brahmin community
> in a district in Andhra Pradesh (Brahmins of India by J Radhakrishna,
> published by Chugh Publications) reveals that today all purohits live below
> the poverty line.
> *Eighty per* cent of those surveyed stated that their poverty and
> traditional style of dress and hair (tuft) had made them the butt of
> ridicule. Financial constraints coupled with the existing system of
> reservations for the ‘backward classes’ prevented them from providing
> secular education to their children.
> *Who are the real ‘Dalits’ of India?*
> *In fact,* according to this study there has been an overall decline in the
> number of Brahmin students. With the average income of Brahmins being less
> than that of non-Brahmins, a high percentage of Brahmin students drop out
> at the intermediate level. In the 5 to 18 year age group, 44 per cent
> Brahmin students stopped education at the primary level and 36 per cent at
> the pre-matriculation level.
> *The study* also found that 55 per cent of all Brahmins lived below the
> poverty line — below a per capita income of Rs 650 a month. Since 45 per
> cent of the total population of India is officially stated to be below the
> poverty line it follows that the percentage of destitute Brahmins is 10 per
> cent higher than the all-India figure.
> *There* is no reason to believe that the condition of Brahmins in other
> parts of the country is different. In this connection it would be revealing
> to quote the per capita income of various communities as stated by the
> Karnataka finance minister in the state assembly(2006): Christians Rs
> 1,562, Vokkaligas Rs 914, Muslims Rs 794, Scheduled castes Rs 680,
> Scheduled Tribes Rs 577 and Brahmins Rs 537.
> *Appalling* poverty compels many Brahmins to migrate to towns leading to
> spatial dispersal and consequent decline in their local influence and
> institutions. Brahmins initially turned to government jobs and modern
> occupations such as law and medicine. But preferential policies for the
> non-Brahmins have forced Brahmins to retreat in these spheres as well.
> *Caste shouldn’t overwrite merit*
> *According* to the Andhra Pradesh study, the largest percentage of Brahmins
> today are employed as domestic servants. The unemployment rate among them
> is as high as 75 per cent. Seventy percent of Brahmins are still relying on
> their hereditary vocation. There are hundreds of families that are
> surviving on just Rs 500 per month as priests in various temples
> (Department of Endowments statistics).
> *Priests* are under tremendous difficulty today, sometimes even forced to
> beg for alms for survival. There are innumerable instances in which Brahmin
> priests who spent a lifetime studying Vedas are being ridiculed and
> disrespected.
> *At Tamil Nadu’s* Ranganathaswamy Temple, a priest’s monthly salary is Rs
> 300 (Census Department studies) and a daily allowance of one measure of
> rice. The government staff at the same temple receive Rs 2,500 plus per
> month. But these facts have not modified the priests’ reputation as ‘haves’
> and as ‘exploiters.’ The destitution of Hindu priests has moved none, not
> even the parties known for Hindu sympathy.
> *The tragedy* of modern India is that the combined votes of Dalits/OBC and
> Muslims are enough for any government to be elected. The Congress quickly
> cashed in on it after Independence, but probably no other government than
> Sonia Gandhi’s has gone so far in shamelessly dividing Indian society for
> garnering votes.
> *The Indian* government gives Rs 1,000 crores (Rs 10 billion) for salaries
> of imams in mosques and Rs 200 crores (Rs 2 billion) as Haj subsidies. But
> no such help is available to Brahmins and upper castes. As a result, not
> only the Brahmins, but also some of the other upper castes in the lower
> middle class are suffering in silence today, seeing the minorities slowly
> taking control of their majority.
> *How reservations fracture Hindu society*
> *Anti-Brahminism*
> <http://www.hinduhistory.info/origins-of-anti-brahminism/>originated in,
> and still prospers in anti-Hindu circles. It is particularly welcome among
> Marxists, missionaries, Muslims, separatists and Christian-backed Dalit
> movements of different hues. When they attack Brahmins, their target is
> unmistakably Hinduism.
> Francois Gautier
> *The State Of Brahmins*
> The True State Of Brahmins In India
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k65p7H-44Y>
> Watch Video : https://youtu.be/4k65p7H-44Y
> http://www.hinduhumanrights.info/brahmins-one-of-the-poorest
> -and-maligned-castes-in-india/
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 4:29 PM, Raman Kanakan Iyer <rkiyer1...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> No attachment received. Pl send it.
>> On 10/14/16, Narayanan Ramakrishna Iyer <nrv...@gmail.com> wrote:
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>> > From: Radhakrishnan Nerur Ramanathan
>> > Date: Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 4:46 PM
>> > Subject: Re: Document from Radhakrishnan N R
>> >
>> > On 13-Oct-2016 3:48 PM, "Radhakrishnan Nerur Ramanathan" wrote:
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