Hi everybody,
I am trying to approximate a function that consist of multiple overlapping 
Gaussian kernels. The calculation should be done in the scan function that 
iterates over the Gaussian kernels. At this point I got stuck with two 

1. I have tried to calculate the sum of all kernels for each input by using 
the previous result. However, the return value is not the sum of all 
kernels for a given input but something else. I was not able to figure it 
out yet. See attached file scan_sum_kernel.py

2. I would like to define the input vector and the kernel parameters 
(height, mean, variance) as NumPy arrays. Therefore, I added the ‘givens’ 
parameter to the function. However, this leads to the Value Error: "length 
not known: <TensorType(int64, vector)> [id A]" See attached file 

Any hint and advice how to go on and what to try next is much appreciated!
Below the code that is working so far:
x =        np.arange(start=1,stop=100,step=1)
xs =       T.dscalar('xs')
height =   T.dvector('height')
mean =     T.dvector('mean')
variance = T.dvector('variance')
bias =     T.dvector('bias')

def gaussian(height, mean, variance, bias, x):
    return (height * \
           T.exp(-(T.sqr( x-mean) / \
                  (2*variance)))) + bias

gaus_dist, updates = theano.scan(
    sequences=[height, mean, variance, bias],

get_gaus = theano.function(inputs=[xs, height, mean, variance, bias],

gaus3 = np.array([])
for xs in x:
    gaus1 = get_gaus(xs, [2,10,11], [10,35,64], [2,12,22], [2, 3, 4])
    for gaus_tmp in gaus1:
    gaus3 = np.append(gaus3,gaus2)

%matplotlib inline


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# coding: utf-8

# In[4]:

import theano.tensor as T
import theano
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x =        np.arange(start=1,stop=100,step=1)
xs =       T.dscalar('xs')
height =   T.dvector('height')
mean =     T.dvector('mean')
variance = T.dvector('variance')
bias =     T.dvector('bias')

def gaussian(height, mean, variance, bias, last_ret, x):
    tmp = (height *            T.exp(-(T.sqr( x-mean) /                   (2*variance)))) + bias
    return tmp + last_ret

gaus_dist, updates = theano.scan(
    sequences=[height, mean, variance, bias],

get_gaus = theano.function(inputs=[xs, height, mean, variance, bias],

gaus3 = np.array([])
for xs in x:
    gaus1 = get_gaus(xs, [2,10,11], [10,35,64], [2,12,22], [0, 0, 0])
    for gaus_tmp in gaus1:
    gaus3 = np.append(gaus3,gaus2)

get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline')

# In[ ]:

# coding: utf-8

# In[1]:

import theano.tensor as T
import theano
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x =          np.arange(start=1,stop=100,step=1)
xs =         theano.shared(x)
height_np =  np.array([2,10,11])
height =     theano.shared(height_np)
mean_np =    np.array([10,35,64])
mean =       theano.shared(mean_np)
variance_np= np.array([2,12,22])
variance =   theano.shared(variance_np)
bias_np =    np.array([2,2,4])
bias =       theano.shared(bias_np)

def gaussian(height, mean, variance, bias, x):
    return (height *            T.exp(-(T.sqr( x-mean) /                   (2*variance)))) + bias

gaus_dist, updates = theano.scan(
    sequences=[height, mean, variance, bias],

get_gaus = theano.function(inputs=[xs],
                           givens=[height, mean, variance, bias])

gaus3 = np.array([])
for xs in x:
    gaus1 = get_gaus(xs, height, mean, variance, bias)
    for gaus_tmp in gaus1:
    gaus3 = np.append(gaus3,gaus2)

get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline')

# In[ ]:

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