Re: [theano-users] Re: Theano dot function has different output than Numpy's

2018-10-03 Thread Buruk Aregawi
One correction above for posterity. The Theano version you posted, f = theano.function([x,y],, y)), does two vector-vector dot products. So it interprets your input matrix as two separate vectors and separately does a dot of each of them with the input vector, y. Also, note that the

[theano-users] Re: function output cumsum() vs cumsum() function output

2018-10-03 Thread Buruk Aregawi
I believe the way it works is through operator overloading. In python you can change the behavior of operators. I could explain it more here but ThePythonGuru has a great write-up on how operator overloading works in Python: The way it

[theano-users] function output cumsum() vs cumsum() function output

2018-10-03 Thread DL_user
Got another question that can't find guidelines from Theano document. Consider these two cases: Case 1: a = T.dmatrix('a') b = T.dmatrix('b') c = T.dmatrix('c') y = T.pow(a,b)-c f = theano.function([a,b,c], y) f(np.reshape(np.ogrid[0:1:4j],(2,2)),np.reshape(np.ogrid[0:1:4j],(2,2)),