with newest Theano, libgpuarray, cudnn 6, the following code produces 
unexpected results:

x = np.random.randn(100,10,60,60)

k1 = np.random.randn(10,1,5,5)

k2 = np.concatenate([k,k], axis=0)

o1 = T.nnet.conv2d(x,k, num_groups=10)

o1 = o1.eval()

o2 = T.nnet.conv2d(x,k2, num_groups=10)

o2 = o2.eval()

array([ 3.22360683, -1.20146486, -0.47498998,  0.24816176, -5.08138128,
       -6.36815384, -4.16210719, -9.07320647,  6.09663779,  4.29091563])

array([  3.22360683,   2.03843043,  -0.65284486,  -3.08015858,
         2.71291378,  -5.86320533,   1.53297356,   3.75655768,
        -1.23243404,   4.76971381,  -2.61702975,   7.87672154,
        -5.74371147,   8.65516924,  10.45707448,   0.67422908,
         8.08504753,  -0.83615408,  -7.9871845 ,   4.29091563])

Should not o2 be just o1 repeated twice? Given that the first and last 
values match, but nothing else does, unless I'm misunderstanding something 
it seems like some kind of bug. Thanks!


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