
Just now I was having difficulty remembering how to colour a particular map
a specific colour, different to the colour scheme applied to most of the
maps being output.  My first challenge was to figure out that this could
only be done via 'select' in a thconfig, and not within the definition of a

I think that the Therion Book could do with a small edit to clarify usage of
'select map  -colour [r g b]'.

The Therion book says.


Description: A map is a collection of .



. colo[u]r <color>  set the map colour; this option overrides the automatic
choice when the layout specifies colour map-fg [map].


>From that I had the incorrect impression that specifying a colour when
selecting a map for output would always override.  What I have found is that
this is only sometimes true.


Map select colour overrides when.

colour map-fg [r g b]

colour map-fg scrap

colour map-fg map


Map select colour does not override when.

colour map-fg altitude

colour map-fg topo-date

colour map-fg explo-date


For (sub)maps where there is no date set, the map select colour will be
shown, otherwise select map  -colour [r g b] has no effect.


So I suggest an edit to the Therion Book along the lines of.


Description: A map is a collection of .



. colo[u]r <color>  set the map colour when selecting a map; this option
overrides the specified colour palette when the layout specifies colour
map-fg [map], [scrap] or [<colour>].  It has no effect when the layout
specifies colour map-fg [altitude].  It has no effect when the layout
specifies colour map-fg [topo-date] or [explo-date], for the scraps whose
associated surveys have dates assigned.


I have not assessed how this plays out with lookups
<https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/examples#colour_palette_scales_-_lookups> ,
but I imagine they should not have any different impacts to those described






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