Re: [CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP] #6522: Missing code + functionality in /libs/controller/controller.php

2009-09-24 Thread CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
#6522: Missing code + functionality in /libs/controller/controller.php
Reporter:  euromark | Owner:   
Type:  Enhancement  |Status:  new  
Priority:  Low  | Milestone:  1.3.x.x  
   Component:  Core Libs|   Version:  1.2 Final
Severity:  Minor|Resolution:   
Keywords:   |   Php_version:  n/a  
Cake_version:   |  
Comment (by juan_basso):

 I'm implemented this in my fork:

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CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design 
patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. 
Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at 
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[CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP] #6522: Missing code + functionality in /libs/controller/controller.php

2009-07-21 Thread CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
#6522: Missing code + functionality in /libs/controller/controller.php
Reporter:  euromark   |  Type:  Enhancement
  Status:  new|  Priority:  Low
   Milestone:  1.3.x.x| Component:  Core Libs  
 Version:  1.2 Final  |  Severity:  Minor  
Keywords: |   Php_version:  n/a
Cake_version: |  
 code 505 was missing - i added it manually
 $codes = array(
 100 = 'Continue',
 101 = 'Switching Protocols',
 200 = 'OK',
 201 = 'Created',
 202 = 'Accepted',
 203 = 'Non-Authoritative Information',
 204 = 'No Content',
 205 = 'Reset Content',
 206 = 'Partial Content',
 300 = 'Multiple Choices',
 301 = 'Moved Permanently',
 302 = 'Found',
 303 = 'See Other',
 304 = 'Not Modified',
 305 = 'Use Proxy',
 307 = 'Temporary Redirect',
 400 = 'Bad Request',
 401 = 'Unauthorized',
 402 = 'Payment Required',
 403 = 'Forbidden',
 404 = 'Not Found',
 405 = 'Method Not Allowed',
 406 = 'Not Acceptable',
 407 = 'Proxy Authentication Required',
 408 = 'Request Time-out',
 409 = 'Conflict',
 410 = 'Gone',
 411 = 'Length Required',
 412 = 'Precondition Failed',
 413 = 'Request Entity Too Large',
 414 = 'Request-URI Too Large',
 415 = 'Unsupported Media Type',
 416 = 'Requested range not satisfiable',
 417 = 'Expectation Failed',
 500 = 'Internal Server Error',
 501 = 'Not Implemented',
 502 = 'Bad Gateway',
 503 = 'Service Unavailable',
 504 = 'Gateway Time-out',
 505 = 'HTTP Version not supported' # MOD
 2009-07-21 ms: 505 added!!!
 2. [[BR]]
 RFC 2616 states that all unknown HTTP codes must be treated the same as
 the base code in their class
 if (!isset($responses[$code])) {
 $code = floor($code / 100) * 100;
 3. [[BR]]
 it would be nice if the codes are stored separately from the functionality
 so we can use them in other places (like components) as well with[[BR]]


 or even[[BR]]



 witch would then both return the $codes array

 right now i have to hardcopy them into my custom component...


 this happens in other classes as well[[BR]]

 maybe we could do the same there (maybe even transform those method scoped
 arrays to object variables - beeing able to use them with $this-codes

Ticket URL:
CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design 
patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. 
Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at 
all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
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