Hi guys! 

I'm completely new to using Tiddlywiki (with no coding knowledge 
whatsover), so I apologise if this is an easy to resolve issue. It 
certainly has me stumped. I've been trying to use Noteself 
(https://noteself.github.io/) with the latest version of TiddlyDesktop. 

Whenever I try and save with the tick button and reopen the html file, I 
get a bright red "Internal JavaScript Error" saying "Uncaught 
ReferenceError: $TPouch is not defined". What can I do about this?

On a side note, my understanding is that Noteself is purposed towards 
offering a similar function as Evernote with regards to syncing using 
PouchDB. I take it PouchDB is a database that requires setting up your own 
server to host on? How can I go about doing this?

Thanks so much. Sorry for the trouble. 

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