
one big wish I have:

I want to be able to search / filter by multiple tags with the following 

   - The tags should be visible & choosable
      - The best would be checkboxes for each tag by which I want to 
      choose. But maybe it could be also possible with buttons, which add the 
      wanted tags to a search field.
   - These tags should be nested by their parent tags (expandable). For 
   example, the following is shown "Countries", "Persons" and "Work or 
   Holiday". When I click on "Countries" all child-tags of "Countries" will be 
   shown ("Holland", "India", "Japan",....). I choose Japan and make the 
   parent tag "Countries" shrinked. Then I click on "Persons" >all child-tags 
   of "Persons" are shown and I choose "Tom" & "Linda". Now all tiddlers, 
   which are tagged with Japan & Tom & Linda are shown. I made a picture of 
   what I mean with nested & expanded & shrinked tags (from the software 
   - If I added a tag to search-by, I want to be able to remove that tag 
   very easy & fast- like in $:/plugins/danielo/tagSearch. There the added 
   tags are shown as the tagpills with their x in it.
   - The found tiddlers should be shown as a list of links.
   - Before the list of results it should be shown, how many tiddlers are 
   - Last, but not least, I want to be able at the end to filter the 
   results by prefixes of the title.
   - And finally there should be a button with "Open all found tiddlers".

Only as a cream topping, but not essential:

   - It would be great, if I could also be able to filter by ratings ($:/
   - And fantastic, if it would be also possible, to filter not only by 
   AND, but additionally by OR. For example "Find all tiddlers tagged with 
   Japan AND Tom OR Linda AND Holiday. So it would find all tiddlers tagged 
   with Japan & Tom & Holiday but also tiddlers tagged with Japan & Linda & 
   Holiday. For each tag I want to be able to choose if AND or OR (default 
   AND). But I guess, that isn't possible, is it?!?

I found some interesting Solutions like http://checklist.tiddlyspot.com/ & 
$:/plugins/danielo/tagSearch and others, but all of them fitted only parts 
of my need. And I don't know, how to combine them. I tried already to 
modify them, but only partly successful.

Can you help me with that?? PLEASE :-)

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