Hi - been playing with TiddlyWiki and have made the following bookmark, 
which I have been using in FireFox on Linux and Mac, and Safari and 
FireFox on Kubuntu Linux:


In my bookmark it is all on the same line.

Anyway - if you are on a page, and open the bookmark, it opens a window 
with a new tiddler, and uses the page title as the tiddler title.

What I would like to do is:

1. Fix it so that pages with odd characters, such as » angle 
quotation mark right), in the title work. At the moment I just get a 
blank page.

2. I'd like to be able to highlight text in the page, click the bookmark 
and have the text and the page URL into the body of the new tiddler.

I am not sure how to get this to work.

Also, feel free to try this out on Windows :-)


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