Hi there! It's been a loooong time!

I've been searching around for some inspiration, when I fell on Matabele's 
wiki and discovered that playing with transparences in TW5 was possible.

Trying to understand how that was done, I see that the trick is done not in 
the styles, as I first thought, but in the palette.


Indeed, the only thing I needed to get the transparent effects in a fresh 
empty TW was importing the palette $$:/palettes/Universe 
<http://gwiz.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fpalettes%2FUniverse> and changing to 
this one in the PanelControl/Appearence/palette.

However, I'm not able to understand how should I do to adjust the opacity 
of the overlay, nor how this effect is accomplished only by the palette. 

I cannot find Matabele's contact info anywhere, to directly ask. Does 
anyone know either how the palette generates the transparencies, or 
Matabele's contact details?

Thank you very much in advance.


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