Hi All

I have a TW (on server) where the inicial page shows a MindMap (that
sits in an iframe). When I click on the navegation icons at the top of
the page (mostly opening popups ala ShowPopupPlugin-Eric.....the
popups open and display above the iframe. Great.

When my wife does the same thing on her laptop ..the popup panels open
BEHIND the iframe!!!!

So, we are looking at the same TW, and both using FF, but my laptop is
OS Vista (home) and hers in Windows 7. I guess we have different FF
versions (mine is 13...hers....dont know...shes working on the other
side of Brasil at the moment....am waiting for her to send me the
version number of her FF).....but why does the same TW display
differently in different FF versions...or is it in the OS systems.

Where do I start looking to resolve this strange behaviour???

Thanks in Advance

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