Say I have a page which links to something, lets call it Biotope for

Biotope is now empty

I fill in Biotope.

Strangely enough, Biotope stays in the missing (even though there is
only one page linking to it, which is still missing to an inexisting

However another Biotope with the exact same name is now also in

I have this with several of my Tiddlers, but not with all.

Remarkable is also that they appear in a "seperate" missing list, that
is, they are sorted first and then a new sorting starts with good
working Tiddlers. How can I fill in these Tiddlers?

I have tried renaming them, but the error still exists...

Maybe the file itself might help?

You can try editing biotope and then you will notice it stays in the

Don't mind the contents, it is for DnD :)

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