Hi TwWizards (Eric in particular)

I'm trying to exchange the tagging and tags boxes in a vanillaTW with
grids produced by GridPlugin which are nested with
I've found a working solution for the taggingbox:
@@position:relative;+++^25e...@[tagging]<<grid columns:[[=text =tags]]
tags:[[$1]] filter: clip:18 inline edit all>>===@@
I refer to it in the ViewTemplate like this:
<div class='tagging' macro='tiddler tagging with:{{tiddler.title}}'></

It works fine...

However when I try to do something similar with the tagsbox:
@@position:relative;+++^25e...@[tags:]<<grid columns: [[=tags =text ]]
tags:@$1 filter: clip:18 inline edit all>>===@@
<div class='tagged' macro='tiddler tags with:{{tiddler.title}}'></div>
It displays the current tiddler instead of the tiddlernames of the
tags. This is what I suppose it should do from the documentation:
(http://www.tiddlytools.com/#GridPluginInfo) where it says:
"tags: @TiddlerName uses the tags assigned to a given tiddler as
column names."

Am I doing this wrong - or doesn't it work as supposed?

Please have a look at it here: http://maans.bplaced.net/TiddlyHome/MTC/

Regards Måns Mårtensson

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