Hi Again

Was reading the previous post on "Embedded Image with elements linked
to tiddlers" and found that I can quickly put hotspots into a image,
or mindmap, using MapEdit and ubsstituting the URL address for the
tiddler address as explained by Eric, namely


Works like a charm.

And then though to go further. Directly into a Freemind map, I used
this code for the URL for node. Saved the mindmap, put the freemind
files ("freemindbrowser.jar" and "freemindbrowser.html") into the
directory and changed "freemindbrowser.html" so that it pointd to the
actual mindmap. In a TW, put a link to the "freemindbrowser.html"
file, and it opened up perfectly, with the mindmap being interactive
(open and close branches for example). Now, when I click on the node
that has the tiddler-URL.....Firefox blocks it as an unauthorised
popup. And it won´t let me unblock myself. Seems I can only authorise/
unblock "http://..."-type addresses...and not a local file!!!!!

Any ideas! how to let freemind open the local tiddler!!!

And, its probably outside the area of this group, but I have a gripe,
that when changing the "freemindbrowser.html" file to point to the
mindmap...it only accepts full UR addresses..relative addresses simply
don´t work. They make it clear that "freemindbrowser.jar" must be in
the sam directory as as the mindmap and the calling page...(in
"freemindbrowser.html" the reference to the .jar file is a relative
one). SO why won´t relative URLs work for the "freemindbrowser.html"
file??? Anyone with ideas or experience???

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