
I noticed that when I open my TiddlyWiki file in another browser,
sporadically, the tabs in the sidebar just don't show up!

All browsers involved are FireFox.  Normally I run FireFox from my USB
drive and it works consistently fine.  Sometimes I run on machines
which are 32-bit systems and at such times, I can't run the browser in
my USB drive.  So I have rely on what the system gives.  They are
always FireFox (likely different versions) and I start running into
this issue.

It works fine when I open it from a browser on my machine.  Is it
related to some cookie being set/not set?

When it decides to not show up, how do I make it appear - is there a
macro that I can execute to make it appear?

Thanks for your help.

Cheers; 'best,


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