I have embedded pdf/web versions of various articles within tiddlers of my 
tiddlywiki file. I was thinking of making notes from these articles within 
my tiddlywiki file itself. 

Is there any way to clip sentences which i find interesting from these 
articles and directly make them into streams tiddlers. For example a small 
pop up called "add to tiddler" come up when ever I select a text to create 
a streams tiddler using that text. Is there any way to do this. 

I have used tiddlyclip plug in, but its not working with streams plug in (I 
mean clipped sentences form a regular tiddler, not a stream tiddler). Its 
too much time consuming to make streams tiddlers by "cut pasting".from that 
regular tiddler which has the clipped content. Is there anyway to make the 
tiddlyclip plug in work with streams.

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