Hi All

While I have been using TW for some years (mainly TWc) my usage of TW5 is 
rather basic and I am having difficulty with what I think is a filter 
I have some book text arranged in tiddlers, tagged with the chapter number, 
section number, and paragraph number of the text.

For example, all text from Chapter 7 is tagged with [C07]. 
The first Section of the chapter is a tiddler named [C07S01], containing 
just the section title, and is tagged with [C07] and [S01].
This section may contain several paragraphs.
The first Paragraph is a tiddler named [C07S01P01], and is tagged with 
[C07], [S01] and [P01].
The second paragraph is a tiddler named [C07S01P02], and is tagged with 
[C07], [S01] and [P02].

The second section in chapter 7 is [C07S02] (tagged with [C07] and [S02]).
and this has paragraphs [C07S02P01] and [C07S02P02] etc.

I am wanting to create a list of the tiddlers that make up this chapter.
I have created a [Chapter 7] tiddler containing the list-links macro:
<<list-links [tag[C07]]>>

This is a good start, and gets me the equivalent of:
* [[C07S01]]
* [[C07S01P01]]
* [[C07S01P02]]
* [[C07S02]]
* [[C07S02P01]]
* [[C07S02P02]]

However, I am wondering if there is a way to get the following:
* [[C07S01P01]]
* [[C07S01P02]]
* [[C07S02P01]]
* [[C07S02P02]]

That is, I would like to know if there is a way that I can transclude all 
of the Section tiddlers of a chapter, in numerical order, each followed by 
a list of the paragraphs within each section. Is this a task for a macro?

For a start, I am struggling to create a filter to obtain just the section 
tiddlers. I want to get only those tiddlers tagged with a chapter tag [C07] 
and with a tag beginning with [S], and  without a tag beginning with [P]. 
Is it possible to do this? Or, should I just add some more tags, [Section] 
for each section tiddler, and [Paragraph] for each paragraph tiddler?

Any suggestions and ideas appreciated.

Andrew Mc

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