
I need TW5-Bob badly in docker container. I've found repo with dockerfile - 
https://github.com/m0wer/tiddlywiki-docker and tested it. Works perfectly. 
Now I'm trying to install TW5-Bob plugin, but I'm stuck. Official 
instruction - https://github.com/OokTech/TW5-Bob/blob/master/README.md - 
"Manual Version" is not clear for me. After a while of struggling, I 
decided to reach out for help. Maybe some of you already managed to install 
TW5-Bob in docker container with node and TW.

I will try to be more specific of what confuses me:

Container maps folder onto the host's file system, which contains *tiddlers* 
folder and  *tiddlywiki.info* file. TW5-Bob instruction tells to execute 
below commands:

git clone --depth=1 --branch v5.1.22 
https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5.git git clone --depth=1 
https://github.com/OokTech/TW5-Bob.git TiddlyWiki5/plugins/OokTech/Bob 
mkdir TiddlyWiki5/Wikis cp -r TiddlyWiki5/plugins/OokTech/Bob/MultiUserWiki 

I'm not sure, if they need to be executed on the same level as 
*tiddlywiki.info* file created by container?

The second confusion is - how to modify init-and-run-wiki 
script from tiddlywiki-docker in order to execute TW in the way described 
in the TW5-Bob instruction:

cd TiddlyWiki5 
node ./tiddlywiki.js Wikis/BobWiki --wsserver

Please refer to init-and-run-wiki 
script - I'm not sure where should I include *--wsserver* argument.

While writing this message, I started to think, that maybe I'm trying to do 
it in the wrong way, and maybe better idea might be to find nodejs image 
and include script, that will clone TW and Bob plugin in the way described 
in the instruction. 

I don't know much about the docker, so I might be grateful for any help.

Best regards!


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