Hi All,

I have been using TW5 for some time now and i love it. I have decided to 
use TW5. i am moving all my notes in various format (.md, .txt) to TW5. 
Till yesterday, i had imported around 100+ tiddlers. I came across an 
article on inserting "external Images", and it was suggested not to copy 
paste the images directly into a tiddler, as it may have performance 
impact. Recommended approach was to use "_canonical_uri' to import the 

The problem i have is, i have large collection of text as well as graphical 
snippets from web and other sources for my Masters. So saving each and 
every image to a directory and then importing to TW5 may take lot of time. 
So i was looking for some alternative. Can you guys please clarify? 
Currently i am using a single static HTML (TiddlyDesktop way) to store my 
Notes. In-fact i have lot of image snippets than text.

1. I was looking at articles on Lazy Loading images. 
(https://tiddlywiki.com/#LazyLoading). If i move to node.js way of storing 
tiddlers, and lazy load all the images (using base64encodedRawData in HTML) 
- am i improving the performance ?  Could not find more details on the 
wiki, so asking here.

2. I want to organize my TW5 Wiki as a note book for each Research Area and 
index it using a global TW5 Wiki

NotesWiki (TW5)
  -- Maths
  -- Cryptography
  -- Data Privacy
  -- Security

If there is way for TW5 to export tags and links using a Query like e.g. 
Maths.html#Content (where content could be a top level tag / tiddler), i 
can call this from NotesWiki to display the list with a link. Do we have 
such mechanism ?


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